West of Scotland
University Crosshouse Hospital
Health Board
NHS Ayshire & Arran
General Information
Crosshouse is a District General Hospital situated outside Kilmarnock, with a catchment area that covers much of North and East Ayrshire. The hospital was completed in 1978 and has been upgraded over the years. The Emergency Department is busy and receives a substantial volume of trauma. The hospital has approximately 650 beds and offers most acute services (including paediatrics), although some are based at Ayr (such as Vascular) and out of hours arrangements are in place. The hospital is designed with most clinics and departments on the ground floor, to the front of the hospital. The ‘ward block’ is located to the rear and accessible by 2 lift/stair towers. The Alexander Fleming Education Centre is on the Ground Floor and asides from hosting induction/M&M meetings etc., it also hosts courses such as ATLS. The fracture clinic is in Area 5, adjacent to the ED and across from radiology. The ITU is directly across from the ED.

The Ayrshire and Arran hospitals are known to offer particularly good canteens and the scones have somewhat legendary status among the local juniors, alongside the latest addition of the Bramble cafe and wellness centre for additional catering and comfortable seating for staff. Crosshouse has a WRVS café adjacent to the main entrance. However, the dining room to the right of the main entrance opens for breakfast, lunch and into the evening.
Orthopaedic Department
The orthopaedic department works well and most middle grades enjoy their placements. Crosshouse is now the Trauma Hub for Ayrshire and Arran with 2 orthopaedic wards, 2A (trauma), 2B (trauma) between which is the consultant offices and MDT room for handover/trauma meetings.
The hub of the department is the ‘dictation room’ in the orthopaedic clinic. Many members of the team will have coffee/lunch here, even when not in clinic. The middle grade rota is a 1in 9 non-resident overnight on-call. An on-call room is available on-site and some trainees prefer to use this instead of commuting, particularly during periods of winter weather.
During the day there are two on call registrars, Attending (manning the orthopaedic assessment Unit) and Recieving (ED referrals) working alongside an on call FY2/CDF/ST1.
Two trauma theatres operate 5 days a week, with one theatre over the weekend.
Mr Marcin Zgoda |
Mr Andrew Ross |
Mr Bruce Thomas |
Miss Rachel Short |
Mr Brian Syme |
Mr Calum Mcleod |
Mr Emmett O'Flaherty |
Mr Aman Khan |
Mr Kailash Kailash |
Mr Andy Tanagho |
Mr Graeme Holt |
Miss Jacquelyn McMillan |
Mr Michael Foxworthy |
Travel Information
Car - Crosshouse is situated a few miles to the west of Kilmarnock and is approximately 27 miles from the city centre and can be easily reached by car via the M77. With good driving conditions it should be less than 40 min journey. If arriving for 0800 there is generally plenty parking but this can be very tight at other times with patients/visitors often being unable to get parked in the afternoon. It is not unheard of for commuters to use the car park as a park-n-ride, dropping their car at Crosshouse then take the bus into Kilmarnock.
Train / Bus - If travelling from Glasgow by public transport you can get a train from Glasgow central or a bus from Buchanan street to Kilmarnock followed by a local bus to the hospital. Trains from Glasgow are every half hour and buses every 15 min. Both take around 40 min. The local bus service from Kilmarnock to the hospital is every 10 min. Commuting via public transport is possible, but can take considerably longer than by car.
University Crosshouse Hospital
Kilmarnock Road